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In June 2016 the EEOC issued a recommendation based on findings of the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace that advocates... "workplace "civility training" that does not focus on eliminating unwelcome or offensive behavior based on characteristics protected under employment non-discrimination laws, but rather on promoting respect and civility in the workplace generally..." 

Today, it is not good enough to simply be an expert in your field. As a manager you have to be an effective leader of people and negotiate a legal mine field as well. Our laws are far-reaching and complex. And, to make matters worse, they are constantly changing. And if you think these are problems for the legal department, think again. Individuals in management positions have been implicated and found legally responsible for their actions - or lack therof.


We believe that the best way to stay out of legal trouble is to maintain a healthy culture that keeps people informed - not only on the laws, but on the little things that conspire to erode respectful engagement.

Lisa Yankowitz  is a professional speaker, corporate trainer, management advisor, coach, HR investigator and expert witness. Lisa educates organizations on a wide range of performance and HR compliance topics. She helps organizations and individuals improve performance by teaching the fundamentals and coaching them on practical implementation. Lisa helps organizations stay out of trouble and stay out of court by teaching employees what they need to know about workplace laws.

Bob Hill works as an advisor in a number of businesses bringing expertise and practical experience in strategic and tactical planning, technology deployment, creative design and branding, web development and application integration,

e-Commerce, database integration, and marketing communications. Under Bob's leadership, his team has won numerous awards for creative design and innovative technology.

Shirley Hill is a strong business advisor with hands-on experience in strategic planning, recruiting, financial management and accounting, ISO Quality System auditing, and legal compliance in national and international businesses. Personally committed to process improvement and introduction of new technologies to streamline operations and improve business performance.

© 2016 Informed Workplace, LLC

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